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miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths In My Life

Situation were I used Character strengths successfully:

Once I was fighting with my little sister because she broke my Lego I was very mad at her, but instead of yelling at her I went with my parents and told them the situation and they talk with her patiently. Finally my sister apologized to me and she rebuild my Lego.

Situation were I should used Character strengths but I didn't:

Many times in which I wasn't agrre with my teacher or with my parents, I should have used the character strength of self control because with that, I wouldn't be punished during one week, doing extra homework and havin a mark of bad discipline.

How my life changed with character strengths:

It has changed in many ways with my family, friends and teacher because now I know how to respond to certain situations using the character strengths so with that, my relationships can be better and without complainings or problems.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

5 tips

5 TIPS character strengths to be a better student

Here we leave some tips for using character strengths to be a better student.

1 Be thankful

It seem like a little thing but if you are thankful you can make someone happy. Other students and teachers would like you more and see you as a good person.

2 Be honest

The people don't like liars so try to always tell the truth

3 Dont Rush

nothing is funny if it doesn't last so keep it slow

4 Study

If you dont study is pointless

5 listen your teachers

they are not the devil they are only trying to help

This is us...

What I think my character strengths are:
I think that I have humor because many people have told me that I am hilarious and i make laugh every person in any way. I think that is true because even my complete family is like that, very crazy in a good way of being sarcastic and hilarious. I use it literally overtime because I like to be funny.

I'm a lovely person because when I love, I love truly.  Also when I mean that I love, is that I take care of the things I have, I try to have everything like I want, obviously I also try to have it like the other ones want. I love all the people in which I can trust and they also can trust in me. 

What I think my character strengths are:
I have curiosity because I always want  to know more about things. Like I saw something in class I want to know more about it, or i see somthing in the world and I want to know everything and don't left things unsolved, I don't like things unsolved.

I think I have gratitude because I always thank people around me. Whenever someone help i thank and i always try to always thank.


Ale Landeros

Ale thinks that he have Self control, zest and curiosity

one time he use caracter strengths, most likely selft control is when in a french projet where he was pair with a troublemaker. This guy was lazy and only play instead of work. Ale talk to the teacher and tell him the situation and the teacher kick him out of the team. if Landeros wouln't stay calm maybe it would be more problems and maybe he would have been  in trouble.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

Opinion vs. Fact (Miss Maggy)

Comparisons (Opinion v. Fact)


Our opinion was that miss Maggy main character strengths were Optimism, Perseverance and Gratitude, but we were wrong. The main character strengths were Curiosity, Social intelligence and optimism, at least we were wright in one. If you see we weren't so far from the wright, optimism was correct their's no doubt of it, but Social Intelligence kind of require a little bit of gratitude and Curiosity requires perseverance to keep looking in what you are interested,so in a certain way we kind of hit.

Happy Teachers Day Miss Maggy

Miss Maggy's character

3 character strengths 


We ask Miss Maggy about which character strengths and why does she thinks this three are her Character Strengths.


The first Charachter Strength of Miss Maggy is Curiosity. She always want to know more and understand all things. Also to be interested in what she is surrounded by.

Social Intelligence

In Second place comes social intelligence. She loves to treat people good and kind.


At last but not least comes optimism. She always tries to see the positive side at all, and she is persistent

The character strength she would like to practice more is self control. She thinks has to control more the exercise and the food

Who is Miss Maggy?


Miss Maggy is our english teacher and we made her an interview to know more about her and her character strengths. We're also going to put some of our opinions.

Her complete name is Margarita del Carmen Corona Mendoza. She likes the food, specially the chocolate things and to travel to new places. What she dislikes a lot is the injustice treatment, for example bullying and that kind of stuff. Also those people that treat bad the things, animals and people because they don't have empathy and feelings.
Her hobbies are to watch movies, specially in the movie theatre because is a bigger screen, with delicious food like popcorns and all that stuff and also she likes to read. The genres that she can see in a movie are whatever kind except for horror, she gets traumatised very easily. Whenever she has free time, she likes to watch Netflix (better if its with food) and to rest, like to take a shower and sleep.

She studied Language Interpreter with different languages. The languages that she can interpret are English, Spanish, French and Italian. She does like what her job is, when she finished college, she didn't want to be a teacher because of the kids, but when a new opportunity came of working as a teacher with teenagers, she went and discover that was wonderful!! Now she doesn't know what her future would be without being a teacher. She isn't married, but still she has a boyfriend.