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miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths In My Life

Situation were I used Character strengths successfully:

Once I was fighting with my little sister because she broke my Lego I was very mad at her, but instead of yelling at her I went with my parents and told them the situation and they talk with her patiently. Finally my sister apologized to me and she rebuild my Lego.

Situation were I should used Character strengths but I didn't:

Many times in which I wasn't agrre with my teacher or with my parents, I should have used the character strength of self control because with that, I wouldn't be punished during one week, doing extra homework and havin a mark of bad discipline.

How my life changed with character strengths:

It has changed in many ways with my family, friends and teacher because now I know how to respond to certain situations using the character strengths so with that, my relationships can be better and without complainings or problems.